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October 19th, 2013, 00:20 Posted By: wraggster
Across all categories in September, digital games accounted for $970 million in sales, up six percent year-over-year. Grand Theft Auto V leads in the boxed games category, but the real test will come this month, with GTA Online microtransactions becoming a part of the deal.
Downloadable content at retail reached $198 million, down 23 percent from last year. The three games in this category were GTA V, Madden 25, and FIFA 14. SuperData Research believes that GTA Online will pull in $206 million in additional revenue for Rockstar over the next twelve months.
The free-to-play MMO category, which includes Star Wars: The Old Republic, Rift, and Lord of the Rings Online, brought in $249 million in September. Spending dropped, but the overall audience grew by nearly 700,000 monthly actives. During the month, there were a few failures: EA closed its card-based game BattleForge and Red 5 Studios decided the Firefall's PVP mode was taken offline after it wasn't a hit with fans.
The subscription MMO category lost 300,000 subscriber last month, with total earnings coming to $82 million. Over the past twelve months, the entire category has lost 1.7 million players, but average revenue per user has increased to around $25 a month. Star Wars: The Old Republic's expansion, Rise of the Hutt Cartel, didn't save the game from losing 20,000 subs, but its active user base stays above one million.
Social games reached a monthly revenue of $176 million, up 16 percent year-over-year. Average revenue per user rose to $48, but the conversion rate dropped below two percent for the first time in four months. There were also a few casino-style games launched in September, including CasinoRPG, Stardust Casino, and Akamon Slots.
The Mobile games category was the big winner with $266 million, up 14 percent over last month and 52 percent over last year. Mobile publisher King has filed for an initial public offering and added Pet Rescue Saga to its list of top-grossing games on iOS. Pet Rescue Saga generated $360,000 per day, while Candy Crush Saga brought in $850,000 per day.
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October 18th, 2013, 23:31 Posted By: wraggster
Disney Infinity players have shown their appetite for user created content, downloading a massive amount of in-game toy boxes after a recent promotion.
Executive producer John Vignocchi told Polygon that after a recent content creation competition for players, gamers downloaded over a million user created free toy boxes in two weeks.
"Our data shows that the players who are engaging in user-generated content are ten times more likely to continue to play Infinity than those who don't. It's wild when you look at the data and you can see that direct correlation."
"The primary demographic is kids, but we are completely blown away by the teens and adults that are into the platform and are part of the community."
Disney Infinity was released in August and mixes physical toys and open world creation. In its first two weeks on sale in the US it sold 294,000 copies.
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October 18th, 2013, 23:22 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo has announced strong sales results in September for both Wii U and 3DS.
The company issued a press release just ahead of NPD's September 2013 report, revealing that Wii U sales were up 200 per cent month-over-month during the period.
The Wii U Deluxe Bundle's $50 price cut and the recently released The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD bundle likely played the largest roles in the sales spike.
The 3DS had a strong US retail showing for the month, finishing on top of the hardware category for the fifth month straight.
The launch of Pokemon X & Y and the arrival of the 2DS during this month will likely see a repeat performance for Nintendo's handheld when October's results come in.
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October 18th, 2013, 23:02 Posted By: wraggster
Coinciding with challenges in the rollout of the U.S. Affordable Care Act are challenges for NHS. The Independent reports, 'A National Health Service free at the point of use will soon be "unsustainable," if the political parties do not come forward with radical plans for change before the 2015 election, top health officials have warned. Stagnant health spending combined with ever rising costs and demand mean the NHS is facing "the most challenging period in its 65-year existence," the NHS Confederation said ... In a frank assessment of the dangers faced by the health service, senior officials at the confederation say that the two years following the next general election will be pivotal in deciding whether the NHS can continue to provide free health care for all patients. "Treasury funding for the service will be at best level in real terms," they write. "Given that demand continues to rise, drugs cost more, and NHS inflation is higher than general inflation, the NHS is facing a funding gap estimated at up to £30bn by 2020."' From The Guardian: 'Our rose-tinted view of the NHS has to change.' More at theIndependent, Mirror, and Telegraph."
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October 18th, 2013, 00:43 Posted By: wraggster
After more than two weeks of bickering that made the schoolyard appear civilized, Congress has finally passed a bill to reopen the U.S. Federal Government. 'The Senate passed the measure by a vote of 81 - 18, followed by approval in the House by a vote of 285 - 144. The bill now goes to the President, who will make remarks on Thursday regarding the reopening of the federal government. ... Earlier in the day, Speaker Boehner conceded that the House would not vote to stop the Senate-negotiated agreement. In a statement, the Speaker said that, after a fight with President Obama over his signature health care law, " . . . blocking the bipartisan agreement reached today by the members of the Senate will not be a tactic for us." The agreement will raise the debt limit until February 2014, fund the government through January 2014 and establish a joint House-Senate committee to make spending cut decisions.' CNN adds, 'Obama, for one, didn't seem in the mood Wednesday night for more of the same -- saying politicians in Washington have to "get out of the habit of governing by crisis." "Hopefully, next time, it will not be in the 11th hour," Obama told reporters, calling for both parties to work together on a budget, immigration reform and other issues. When asked as he left the podium whether he believed America would begoing through all this political turmoil again in a few months, the President didn't waste words. "No.
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October 18th, 2013, 00:30 Posted By: wraggster
Google’s UK country sales director has told PCR the company is doing its utmost to launch Google Glass.
Peter Fitzgerald said Google is hoping to release Google Glass – tech glasses which can take pictures, display information like the weather and more – as a consumer product at retail “very soon”, following the launch of theGlass Development Kit (GDK) to developers.
“I think we’re working really hard to make Google Glass into a consumer product and so that’s why we opened it up to developers first,” Fitzgerald told PCR at the Internet Retailing Conference 2013.
“They’re working on all these great apps that can help make the product get better and better.
“So I would say it’s something we’re trying to get out [to retailers] very soon.”
Fitzgerald also spoke about the great potential of wearable tech – especially in the medical sector – and stressed the importance for retailers to embrace the growing number of consumers who use their mobiles to shop online.
Google has allowed a select number of users to test out Google Glass this year via an early adopter programme.
It’s been previously reported that a consumer version of Google Glass could arrive in 2014.
Additionally, a third of UK shoppers say they’d use Google Glass in retail stores.
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October 17th, 2013, 01:58 Posted By: wraggster
The pressures and expectations associated with developing the upcoming Star Wars: Battlefront are "scary", according to a senior staff member at DICE.
The Sweden based studio is currently putting the finishing touches onBattlefield 4, but its next project will mark the rebirth of the Star Wars: Battlefront series.
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While giving a talk at BAFTA in London, executive producer Patrick Bach explained how DICE ended up with the Battlefront licence and how intimidated the studio felt when offered it.
"We had a discussion at the office about what happened to Battlefront. You know, the old IP that someone else made that was a rip-off of Battlefield. Bastards! We should've made it. It was a competition of powers. We couldn't do both at the same time," Bach said, as quoted byIGN.
"For some reason EA was negotiating with George Lucas as to who should make the new Star Wars games. And just a week later it was like, 'Oh, by the way, that discussion you were having about Star Wars? Do you want to make it?' 'Well, yeah.'"
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"We weren't as cocky when we got the chance, because to take on something like this is scary, as you can imagine. You can only screw up, right?"
The reboot of Star Wars Battlefront was announced at E3 in August, with a teaser trailer shown during EA's press conference.
The game is currently in development at DICE's core Stockholm studio with "veteran" Battlefield developers at the helm.
As well as the Sweden-headquartered outfit, Visceral Games and BioWare are also set to develop Star Wars games following the recent agreement of a multi-year deal between EA and Disney.
The first Star Wars: Battlefront was released in September 2004 on PC, Xbox and PlayStation 2. In CVG's review at the time, we called it: "Breathtaking. Truly one of the most remarkable Star Wars games ever. A joy to play from start to finish, every time."
The sequel came out a year later and once again received rave reviews, with CVG calling it "simply the best Star Wars game on PS2 by an asteroid field and a half".
In 2006 it was rumoured that Free Radical Entertainment was working on the third Battlefront game, a rumour that was eventually confirmed when ex-Free Radical execs slammed LucasArts for pulling the plug on the near-finished project, referring to them as "psychopaths".
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October 17th, 2013, 01:25 Posted By: wraggster
Google Glass wearers were treated to some new features with this month's XE10 update, but what's hiding under the hood might be even more promising. Android Police posted their APK teardown earlier today, and their findings are nothing if not intriguing. Among the features that may be on the horizon are a handful of new commands hidden in the GlassVoice APK, like the ability to succinctly ask Glass to call you a car, schedule an event, create a 3D model, translate phrases and start a round of golf. Even more interesting are the possibilities presented by potential music playback and gaze integration. Indeed, the files buried in the Gaze folder -- which include double blink detection -- may signal that eye control is one step closer to becoming a reality. You can find the full teardown at the source link below.
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October 17th, 2013, 00:56 Posted By: wraggster
Pokemon X and Y comfortably beat Grand Theft Auto 5 to the number one spot in Japan last week, selling more than 1.8 million units in the process.
Japan will be one of the few major markets where Rockstar's record-breaking hit won't trounce the competition, and it sold fewer than 400,000 units in its first week on sale across all platforms - the lion's share on PlayStation 3.
The somewhat inevitable success of Pokemon X and Y also boosted sales of the 3DS, with both models roughly doubling the previous week's total - the original model sold 72,000 units, while the dominant 3DS XL sold 141,000.
However, the real success story on the hardware chart was the PlayStation Vita, which received a proportionally astounding boost thanks to the release of a new model. Sony's resurgent handheld more than 60,000 units, an impressive 1600 per cent increase over the prior week's 3,500 units.
The software top ten is below, with lifetime sales in parentheses:
- 1. [3DS] Pokemon X and Y (Nintendo, 10/12/13) - 1,866,570 (New)
- 2. [PS3] Grand Theft Auto V (Rockstar Games, 10/10/13) - 360,115 (New)
- 3. [3DS] Monster Hunter 4 (Capcom, 09/14/13) - 110,208 (2,652,824)
- 4. [PS3] Tales of Symphonia Chronicles (Namco Bandai, 10/10/13) - 77,228(New)
- 5. [PSV] DanganRonpa 1&2 Reload (Spike Chunsoft, 10/10/13) - 76,162 (New)
- 6. [PS3] Sakatsuku Pro Soccer Club wo Tsukurou (Sega, 10/10/13) - 73,696(New)
- 7. [PS3] Fairy Fencer F (Compile Heart, 10/10/13) - 40,666 (New)
- 8. [PSV] Sakatsuku Pro Soccer Club wo Tsukurou (Sega, 10/10/13) - 33,898(New)
- 9. [360] Grand Theft Auto V (Rockstar Games, 10/10/13) - 26,612 (New)
- 10. [PS3] Warriors Orochi 3 Ultimate (Tecmo Koei, 09/26/13) - 11,044 (116,054)
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October 17th, 2013, 00:41 Posted By: wraggster
Pokemon may have beaten it to the top of the Japanese charts, but Grand Theft Auto V has redefined what a Western game can achieve in Japan.
The latest Media Create charts reveal that the PS3 version of Grand Theft Auto V sold 360,115 units in its first week – a new record for a Western-made title in the region.
Perhaps even more amazingly the Xbox 360 version debuted in ninth place with sales of 26,612 units.
The numbers also mean that GTA V has in one week eclipsed the last known lifetime sales numbers of its predecessor GTA IV in the region.
GTA V earlier this month became only the second ever Western developed game to score a perfect 40/40 in Famitsu (the other being The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim).
Of course, Pokemon was the week’s big winner with combined sales of the X and Y releases totalling 1,866,570 units.
Also of note this week are the Japanese hardware sales, with Nintendo’s Wii U shifting a worrying 3,276 units – that’s 200 fewer than the PSP.
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October 17th, 2013, 00:33 Posted By: wraggster
The NY Times reports on the arrests of two girls, ages 12 and 14, who allegedly harassed another 12-year-old girl who committed suicide. The girls are facing third-degree felony charges, and the police involvement was spurred by a comment on Facebook by the older of the two. 'In Internet shorthand it began "Yes, ik" — I know — "I bullied Rebecca nd she killed herself." The writer concluded that she didn't care, using an obscenity to make the point and a heart as a perverse flourish. Five weeks ago, Rebecca Ann Sedwick, a seventh grader in Lakeland in central Florida, jumped to her death from an abandoned cement factory silo after enduring a year, on and off, of face-to-face and online bullying. ... Brimming with outrage and incredulity, the sheriff said in a news conference on Tuesday that he was stunned by the older girl's Saturday Facebook posting. But he reserved his harshest words for the girl's parents for failing to monitor her behavior, after she had been questioned by the police, and for allowing her to keep her cellphone.
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October 17th, 2013, 00:25 Posted By: wraggster
The Guardian reports: 'British Prime Minister David Cameron has encouraged a Commons select committee to investigate whether the Guardian has broken the law or damaged national security by publishing secrets leaked by the National Security Agency whistleblower Edward Snowden. He made his proposal in response to a question from former defense secretary Liam Fox, saying the Guardian had been guilty of double standards for exposing the scandal of phone hacking by newspapers and yet had gone on to publish secrets from the NSA taken by Snowden. Speaking at prime minister's questions on Wednesday, Cameron said: "The plain fact is that what has happened has damaged national security and in many ways the Guardian themselves admitted that when they agreed, when asked politely by my national security adviser and cabinet secretary to destroy the files they had, they went ahead and destroyed those files. So they know that what they're dealing with is dangerous for national security."'"Destroyed their copies of some files, certainly, but it's not like others don't have the files too.
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October 16th, 2013, 13:14 Posted By: wraggster
It’s not been the best 24 hours for Ubisoft.
Fresh from delaying its high-profile next-gen (no longer) launch title Watch Dogs until spring of next year, the publisher has also confirmed that two its recent releases have failed to hit expectations.
CVG reports that Ubisoft CFO Alain Martinez told investors last night that the company had “experienced lower sales than we anticipated when we gave our target” for “already released games such as Splinter Cell, Rayman and others".
The company has also been hit hard by the delay of Watch Dogs, which it admits “was trending towards the higher part of our guidance because the pre-orders were very good”.
Ubisoft has originally forecast income of $1.94bn for the year ending 2013 but that has now been lowered to $1.38bn.
"In a world of mega-blockbusters we have come to the conclusion that the team needed more time to realise the game's potential," Martinez said of the delay.
"We consider it to be a long term pillar of our future performance, alongside the likes of Assassin's Creed and Far Cry."
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October 16th, 2013, 13:04 Posted By: wraggster
Makers of a new gaming headset called the Virtual Retinal Display say the specs are more realistic than the Oculus Rift.
Unlike the Oculus Rift, which features an LCD panel, these goggles project light directly into each eye using an array of two million micromirrors.
The brain interprets the signal as an 80-inch panel viewed from eight feet away.
Because Retinal projection requires precise alignment, Avegant’s headset has a frame that expands to accommodate different face widths. It also has high-quality optical elements that can be individually adjusted, giving it that ‘optician’s glasses’ feel.
The Virtual Retinal Display offers a separate 1,280x768-pixel resolution image for each eye – twice the effective resolution of the current Oculus Rift developer kits.
Consumer prototypes are expected at CES 2014 and the device should be making its way to a crowdfunding site within the next few months.
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October 16th, 2013, 02:32 Posted By: wraggster
As it stands, Google Glass doesn't have a simple way of cataloging real-world items -- you have to snap a picture and make a note afterward. It may get much easier if Google implements a newly granted US patent, however. The technique uses a wearable display's camera to detect hand gestures made in front of objects. Make a heart shape and you'll "like" what's front of you; frame something with your fingers and you'll select it. There's no certainty that Glass will ever support these commands, but they're certainly intuitive. If nothing else, they could lead to a new, very literal take on Google Goggles.
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October 16th, 2013, 02:09 Posted By: wraggster
Record-breaking debut of Rockstar's latest pushes NPD up for the first time since January, according to Wedbush
[h=3]The NPD Group[/h]
The industry has been limping all year, but the record-breaking debut of Grand Theft Auto V has healed the wound, according to NPD estimates released by Wedbush Securities. Console and handheld software sales are expected to total $910 million, up 83 percent year-over-year, driven primarily by GTA V's release. GTA V, EA Sports' FIFA 14, and 2K Sports' NBA 2K14 are estimated to be the top three in software sales, with additional sales coming from August's releases of Madden 25 and Disney Infinity.
Wedbush also believes that October's sales will stay up due to GTA's continuing performance, the first week sales of Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag, and the release of Battlefield 4.
In hardware, sales of the Wii U are estimated to total 55,000 units, up 79 percent month-over-month, but still not great for Nintendo's console. The improvement in sales is due to the price cut on the Deluxe set and the release of The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker HD bundle. The Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 will be down in sales year-over-year, sitting at 145,000 units and 175,000 respectively. Hardware price cuts are not expected to improve demand for current-gen consoles this year, Michael Pachter said.
The NPD Group will release September sales numbers on Thursday, October 17.
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October 16th, 2013, 02:01 Posted By: wraggster
The Middle East and North African region has been a strong growth area for Peak Games
[h=3]Peak Games[/h]
As the game industry continues to grow in the mobile and social media market, the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) have become one of the strongest growth regions. Publisher Peak Games is one of the leaders in the region, with 300,000 concurrent users (CCU) and 11.8M daily active users (DAU) across Turkey and MENA.
"We consider Turkey a significant player in the MENA region," Peak Games co-founder and chief strategy officer Rina Onur told [a]list daily. "Turkey will continue its rapid growth both in terms of Internet and smartphone/tablet penetration. The MENA region has the second highest rate of smartphone shipments out of Asia, so the region is growing like crazy. Following Turkey are Gulf region countries such as Saudi Arabia and Emirates. These countries will continue to grow both on PC and mobile; that's why opportunities are almost limitless here."
Peak Games' Plus Franchise is one of the publishers biggest draws; the games are all digital versions of traditional and popular board, card, and tabletop games in the region.
"Our most popular games are those in the Plus Franchise. They are community driven, multiplayer, synchronous titles and are part of the everyday lifestyle in Turkey," said Onur. "The Plus Franchise alone has more than 300,000 concurrent users and includes 6 different games: Okey, Okey Plus, 101 Plus, Tavla Plus, Batak and Pool Plus. In addition; our flagship mid-core title War of Mercenaries thrives from a dedicated community that is interested in multiplayer combat and empire building."
Though Peak Games' primary business is on Android and iOS smartphones, tablets are increasing in strength in the region.
"Tablets are increasing in volume rapidly in our region as well," Onur explained to [a]list daily. "We have brought our flagship titles to both iOS and Android tablets, which are performing extremely well, so as we continue building community driven games, tablets as a platform, will be a major target for us. Even though currently, smartphones are over-performing tablets overall - due to the sheer volume of devices that are lying around in the region - we believe tablets will become a significant strategic platform for game developers."
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October 16th, 2013, 00:43 Posted By: wraggster
The NPD Group has released its 2013 Online Gaming Report, which finds that nearly 50 per cent more console gamers use the Xbox 360 for playing online than the PS3.
Microsoft posted the results on the Xbox newswire, adding that the firm has seen more than 20bn hours of online gaming and entertainment delivered on Xbox 360 consoles over the last 12 months.
The figure represents a year-over-year growth of 17 per cent for the service.
We’re proud and humbled to be the top online gaming service," the post reads.
"With your increasing engagement with and growing community, we’re able invest in new features and future innovations that bring more amazing experiences to you and the community on Xbox Live."
The new statistics are part of Microsoft's new 'Week of Xbox Live' campaign. Microsoft will post daily updates with more news and information about upcoming Xbox Live features throughout this week.
The first post went over Xbox One's new Friends and Followers tabs, as well as the platform's new Achievement system.
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